Friday, February 1, 2013

Chris Reviews Bullet to the Head

As I mentioned in my review of The Last Stand, 2013 is really shaping up to be the year of 80's action movies. We had The Last Stand, Bullet to the Head and in two weeks a new Die Hard movie. Was this a bad ass Stallone action movie or another let down? Find out below.....

The Good-

Damn this movie was actually pretty bad ass! I have to give credit to the guy who did the sound mixing for this because every punch and impact in this movie is painful. You really get the sense that people are getting the shit kicked out of them in this. The action was actually pretty good at least from a pure violence standpoint. I also enjoyed the constant insults that Stallone and Kang throw at each other. Jason Momoa gives a sort of fun performance as the evil henchman that makes me hope he does more stuff like this cause that dude is pretty huge and scary looking. This is definitely a mans movie as it is littered with bad ass fights, gore and lots of naked women.

The Bad-

The story is about as cliche as you can get. Essentially it is about a hitman named James Bonomo nicknamed Jimmy Bobo (yes that is his name) who along with his partner kill a former cop. The cops former partner comes to investigate the murder and teams up with Stallone to help take down the guys who hired the hit. So the story is pretty cliche and the acting is pretty bad as well but that was to be expected. Not only is the acting bad though, but none of the characters are very likeable either and the whole film has a very withdrawn and bleak feel to it.


This is your standard Sylvester Stallone action film that really isn't doing anything new. Still this is a genre that I always enjoy and the film is made well enough to have some fun. The fights are violent and the comedy is sporadically funny. This is a solid film to watch with your buddies late at night.


3 out of 5

- Chris "Da Franchize" Hart  

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