1. JAWS (1975)
Director: Steven Spielberg
I think the argument can be made that this might be the most complete movie experience of all time. It fits essentially any genre you want it to, it fulfills every standard of good film making, it has a fantastic score by John Williams and is one of the most culturally important films of all time. It is one of those movies that I have to restrain myself from watching to much because It is just that good!
2. ROBOCOP (1987)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
This is the film that I always get the most flak for putting at the top of my best movie lists. That is because most people are only looking at the surface of this incredibly intelligent film. Sure it is a hyper violent, over the top 80's action movie but there is much more to it than that. Robocop is actually an incredibly intelligent satire on American culture that also features an oddly brilliant Jesus Christ story arc. It is very rare that we get a film that can so effortlessly blend gory 80's action and poignant social satire which is what makes Robocop a classic film and Paul Verhoven one of the best directors in the business.
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
For a while this was number one on my list. That it is no longer there is not a knock against this film but rather that I have learned to appreciate the previous films. There Will Be Blood has so many strengths, it features some of my favorite all time cinematography, arguably one of the best performances in cinematic history by Daniel Day Lewis and a haunting score. While I understand it is not for everyone, objectively this is an outstanding film and is a personal favorite.

4. CHINATOWN (1974)
Director: Roman Polanski
This is definitely the best detective film of all time and its not even close. It is a film that just oozes atmosphere which if you read this blog you know is something that tends to win me over. Jack Nicholson gives a great performances in this along with his co-stars Faye Dunaway and John Huston. The combination of visuals, writing, performances and Jerry Goldsmiths excellent score make for a completely engrossing experience.
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
I put this and Chinatown next to each other because the reasons I love both films are very similar. Apocalypse now is another film that oozes atmosphere, has great performances and is just utterly mesmerizing. It is also a very quotable film that features several scenes that are some of the most memorable in film history.
6. DRIVE (2011)
Director: Nicolas Winding Refn
I hope you are starting to see the trend of the types of movies that I love. This is another atmospheric, brooding, dark and violent film that features a great soundtrack and a very retro vibe. This was also the film that made me realize how awesome of an actor Ryan Gosling is. He is one of those actors that can act without speaking, with his looks and his actions. Albert Brooks also gives a chilling performance as an old school mobster along with Ron Perlman. I would argue that this is the best film of the 21st century ( I like to make bold statements).
Director: Sergio Leone
Many people think that Sergio Leone's The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is the best Spaghetti Western but I would argue that this is. With this film Leone was attempting to make the ultimate film in the genre and It certainty lives up to it. There is a certain grandeur about it that makes it feel almost operatic. Not only that but it features a classic story, great performances, and one of my favorite all time scores by Ennio Morricone. If you are looking for a good starting point to get into the Spaghetti Western genre this is the place I would start.
8. The Raid: Redemption (2011)
Director: Gareth Evans
I will admit that this is probably the least qualified film to be this high on the list. It does not feature the significance to the film industry as the other films on the list do. That being said this ranks right behind Robocop as the most Bad Ass film of all time. While the writing is not the stuff of legend it is set up perfectly in order to make the films work and then the amazing choreography takes over. This is the best fight choreography you have ever seen and pair that with the heart pounding Mike Shinoda and Joseph Trapaneze soundtrack and you have one of the most adrenaline pumping movies of all time.
Director: Stanley Kubrick
The first time I watched this film It was a bit of a struggle. That is because this is one of the more controversial films out there and there are quite a few uncomfortable movements. Then as I thought about it the more it began to really click in my head. Every viewing since I have continued to appreciate this film more and more and laughed more and more because in some ways it is a dark comedy. I understand it is not a film for everyone but I urge you to watch it more than once before you form an opinion on it.
Director: Franklin J. Schaffner
One of the all time classic Sci-fi films. It is a film that is able to blend entertaining storytelling with a social/political message without beating you over the head with it. Not only does it do that but it features excellent visuals and effects, rock solid performances and one of the great twist endings in cinematic history (written by the master of twists Rod Sterling). If you want to really get into the Science Fiction genre this would be a good place to star.

11. ALIEN (1979)
Director: Ridley Scott
One of the all time classic Sci-fi horror films and a must watch for any film buff. It is a very atmospheric, dark and slow burning film that focuses on building tension with only a few jump scares. It is pretty well written, features impressive visuals considering when it was made and the performances are solid. I have had this film higher on my list before but there have been some recent adds to the top of the list that have pushed it down.
12. THE THING (1982)
Director: John Carpenter
I give John Carpenter a lot of credit for taking a decent 1950's Sci-fi film and transforming it into a very atmospheric, dark and tense Sci-fi horror film that ranks among the best in the genre. Kurt Russell gives a solid performance along with the rest of the cast but John Carpenters direction and Ennio Morricone's haunting score are what make the film work.
Director: Nicholas Meyer
I happen to be a huge fan of the Star Trek franchise and while I think it works best as a Television series, occasionally they get the movies right. The Wrath of Khan works because of the constraints that were put on the movie.The film is essentially a Naval adventure film that features submarine like combat. This leads to some truly exhilarating and tense scenes that are amplified by James Horner's awesome score. The crew of the Enterprise is a perfect ensemble cast headed by Shatner and Nimoy and Ricardo Montalban gives a fantastic performance as the antagonist. If you want to get into Star Trek this is the film to start with.
Director: Paul Verhoeven
This is probably the least critically successful film in the top half of this list. The main reason being that the acting is very wooden and in some cases just downright bad. That being said this is another Paul Verhoeven film that features an excellent political satire. Even without the intelligent political satire this is a very enjoyable film as it is a sweeping war epic that features great effects, heart pounding action and brutal violence. I probably have it a little high on my list but it is a personal favorite.
Director: Peter Jackson
A sweeping epic that really should be consumed as a whole rather than three chapters. This is by far the best Fantasy film of all time as it features visuals and special effects that will blow you away, a fantastic story, great performances and arguably the best soundtrack of all time by Howard Shore.
Director: Richard Donner
This is THE Buddy Cop movie series and one of the best action series of all time. What I think really makes these films work better than other buddy films is the relationship and emotions between Riggs and Murtaugh. While the first 2 films are the best, each film has something that I love. This is one of those series that I have probably watched a good 50 times already and will probably watch it twice that many times before I die, I just love this series!
Director: Steven Spielberg
I am only counting the first 3 films because I do not acknowledge the existence of the 4th film. This is pretty easy to put on the list, it is arguably the best series of adventure films ever made. They are exhilarating, action packed, well acted and feature great scores by John Williams.

Director: Steven Spielberg
The best and most accessible film about the holocaust ever made. This is an emotional, beautiful and well acted film that will resonate with me for a long time.
Director: Quentin Tarantino
A Quentin Tarantino Film finally makes an appearance on my list! While think Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs may be Tarantino's objectively better films I enjoyed this one the most. Probably because I enjoy the War genre more than Crime. In terms of its qualifications to be on this list there really is not much to say beyond, its a Quentin Tarantino film. So it is well written, well acted, creatively filmed etc.
20. PLATOON (1986)
Director: Oliver Stone
Clearly one of the best war films ever made. Inspired by Oliver Stone's experience in Vietnam it feels like a very realistic portrayal of not only the Vietnam war but war in general. This is Charlie Sheen's career defining role and the supporting cast is stacked with great actors who give excellent performances.
21. STAR WARS TRILOGY (1977-1983)
Director: George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand
This is another really easy series to put on the list. One of the most cultural important, financially successful and ambitious movie franchises of all time. Subsequent films have not been at the same quality level nor had the same impact which is why they are not included on the list. Overall though this is one of the strongest film franchises in the history of Hollywood.
22. MAN WITH NO NAME TRILOGY (1964-1966)
Director: Sergio Leone
These are often considered the best Spaghetti Westerns of all time and deservedly so. Clint Eastwood is excellent as the lead character in all 3 and while the films may not have a lot do do with one another they are excellent when viewed in one sitting.
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino's western ranks right up there with his best films like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs and I enjoyed it more than either of those films. Again I don't think much explanation is required about why this is a good movie although I will say that this was probably my favorite soundtrack of all of Tarantino's films.
24. KILL BILL (2003-2004)
Director: Quentin Tarantino
This is another series that I think you need to watch as a whole rather than in two parts. I want to rank this a lot higher because in terms of my personal enjoyment I like this best out of the Tarantino films but it also has the most problems with the exception of Death Proof.

Director: Paul Verhoeven
Yet another Paul Verhoeven film that has made the list and this one is very different from the previous 2. This is a film that is sort of an homage to classic Alfred Hitchcock mysteries while at the same time a modern erotic thriller. There is a lot of nudity in this which may turn some people away but this is still a gorgeous looking film that is pretty well written and features some great performances.

26. UNFORGIVEN (1992)
Director: Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood expertly dissects the western genre in this while also giving a fantastic performance. The supporting cast is great (Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman and Richard Harris) and it is suitably atmospheric and moody for my tastes.

27. PATHS OF GLORY (1957)
Director: Stanley Kubrick
A great war drama that is one of the few films that I think really has a good understanding of the complexities of the first world war. The basic story is that after a poorly planned assault on a German position fails, one unit had refused to participate in the assault and 3 men are court-martialed to set an example. Kirk Douglas gives a great performance as he defends his men and the script is very well written. This is yet another classic Kubrick film that any film buff needs to watch.
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
It was hard to put this excellent franchise this low on my list but the inclusion of the very mediocre third film is what drug it down. These are the ultimate Gangster films and no film in the genre has ever quite topped the first film in my opinion.

29. PSYCHO (1960)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
One of the all time great Horror movies and arguably Hitchcock's best and most memorable film. I did not finally see this till a few years ago and it has quickly shot up near the top of my favorite movies list.
Director: Robert Zemeckis
This is one of those lighthearted 80's movies that you can just watch over and over again. It is a solidly written and acted piece of pop Sci-fi that can be enjoyed by all ages. It may not be groundbreaking or have won any best acting awards at the Oscars but it is a perfect piece of mass entertainment that still holds up well over 25 years later. The second film is awesome in its own right but the third film drags the franchise down a bit.
31. MEN IN BLACK (1997)
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Another pop Sci-fi film that can be enjoyed by all ages. What I have always loved about this movie is its creativity. We get a great buddy cop storyline mashed up into a somewhat high concept Sci-fi film that features some amazing creature effects by Rick Baker, awesome action sequences and great performances by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. This was essentially my favorite film as a kid and it still holds up well today.
Director: Steven Spielberg
I might as well keep it rolling with these family friendly Sci-fi movies that I loved as a kid. This is another film that I have probably watched at least 50 times and will continue to watch it and enjoy it. I also will admit that this is about the only movie to make me tear up (when E.T. is dying). This film works because it manages to ride the perfect line of the family drama, government conspiracy and general science fiction genres.
33. 13 ASSASSINS (2010)
Director: Takashi Miike
I am just now starting to get into Samurai films so I'm sorry for not having films like Seven Samurai on here. It is not because I don't like those films but that I simply have not seen them yet. 13 Assassins is the film that has gotten me into the genre though. It starts slow and there is a lot of build up but once it gets to the third act, all hell breaks loose. This ranks up there with The Raid as one of the most Bad Ass movies out there!

34. GRINDHOUSE (2007)
Directors: Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino
A modern take on trashy drive in cinema by two great modern filmmakers. The writing, acting and quality is all pretty bad but its intentional and makes it a lot of fun. This is the type of film that you watch during a late night movie night with your buddies.
35. TOTAL RECALL (1990)
Director: Paul Verhoeven
That makes 4 Paul Verhoeven films in my top 30! This is another smart science fiction film that features a fantastic premise, great visuals, the beautiful Sharon Stone, another great Ronny Cox villain performance and Arnold Schwarzenegger at his best. While not as much of a social commentary as some of his other films this is still a very intelligent story based off a Philip K. Dick short story.
36. SCARFACE (1983)
Director: Brian De Palma
You can't have a top 100 movies list without this movie. It features an awesome over the top performance by Al Pacino, a great script written by Oliver Stone, and is very well shot and paced. Not only is it a great movie, but it also has had such an amazing cultural impact that I don't think there is an American man who has not heard of Tony Montana.
37. L.A. CONFIDENTIAL (1997)
Director: Curtis Hanson
A great old school crime film that is set in 1950's L.A.It has all the elements that many movie have on the list, very atmospheric, great script and fantastic cast headlined by Russell Crowe, Guy Pierce, Kevin Spacey, Kim Bassinger and Danny Devito.
38. SIN CITY (2005)
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Another very atmospheric crime film although this one is based off of a graphic novel. This is a hyper stylized film noir that is hard to take your eyes off of. The story is a hell of a lot of fun, the visuals are fantastic and there are some pretty fun performances. I can't wait for the sequel to come out this fall.
39. THE MATRIX TRILOGY (1999-2003)
Directors: Andy and Lana Wachowski
In high school this was probably in my top 10 but I have seen so many fantastic films since then that it has taken quite a tumble down the list. That being said this is one of the best modern Sci-fi films! It has such a unique premise and is able to establish a fascinating universe. The writing is pretty good, the acting is solid and it has some bad ass action! The sequels while more ambitious, get overly complicated but are still enjoyable.
40. FALLING DOWN (1993)
Director: Joel Schumacher
This is the best movie to watch if you are really irritated with people because it allows you to live out the fantasy of not putting up with shit anymore. When he gets annoyed with traffic he just gets out of his car and leaves, when he gets annoyed with construction he blows that shit up, when he wants breakfast and they switched to the lunch menu he pulls out a gun. This is a fun little story that while simple is very satisfying and Michael Douglas gives an awesome but hilarious performance in the lead.
Director: Mary Harron
While I have some problems with the third act of the film, as a whole I love it. It is a fascinating critique on upper-class buisness culture of the 1980's while also examining the psychology of a serial killer. This may seem very dark but it is also provides some laugh out loud moments. I would also go out on a limb and say that this is Christian Bales' best performance.

Director: David Lean
One of the all time great War Dramas. This is an essential film that every man interested in war films needs to watch.
43. NOLAN BATMAN TRILOGY (2005-2012)
Director: Christopher Nolan
This is probably the best super hero franchise of all time. Batman Begins is an outstanding origin film that creates a unique but familiar Gotham city and Batman character and features some great villains. The Dark Knight raises the stakes and is not just a good super hero movie but a great crime film as well. The Dark Knight Rises is probably the weakest entry in the series from a writing and acting standpoint but still an enjoyable entry nonetheless.
44. INCEPTION (2010)
Director: Christopher Nolan
I always associate this and The Dark Knight in my head together (probably because it was Nolan's next film after TDK) and I think they are equally good. It is a nice piece of modern Sci-fi that was successful with a large audience because of Nolan's excellent direction and a fantastic cast.
45. PULP FICTION (1994)
Director: Quentin Tarantino
This is Tarantino's most popular film and the one may consider to be his best. It is a classic and features great performances, an excellent script and is very quotable. It just has never been one of my all time favorite films. I try to watch it about once a year to continue thinking about it but it has never held my interest the way I wish it did.
46. ALIENS (1986)
Director: James Cameron
The action packed sequel to the slow burning atmospheric Sci-fi/Horror film really ups the ante. The effects are improved, the pacing significantly improved and action pumped up. This also features a great lineup of actors that while they may not be A list actors are a lot of fun (Michael Biehn, Paul Reiser, Bill Paxton and Lance Henricksen to name a few). Its nice to have this in between Alien and Alien3 if you are doing a marathon because it wakes you up a little bit.
Director: Coen Brothers
While I may not be a huge fan of the Coen Brothers, I loved this film. This is another film that at one point was in my top 10 but has fallen over time. It fits very well into the types of movies I like (dark, atmospheric) and features a fantastic performance from Javier Bardem. I think this is the most accessible film for non Coen Brothers fans and a good starting point if you want to get into their other films (thats what I did).
48. HEAT (1995)
Director: Michael Mann
Who wouldn't love a crime film where Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro face off against one another. That is the selling point of this film but it's also a beautifully shot, well written and well acted film.

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
By far my favorite Hitchock film and one of the best Thrillers ever made.
50. DAS BOOT (1981)
Director: Wolfgang Peterson
A claustrophobic, gritty and gripping tale of life on a German Submarine during WW2. This is by far the best Submarine film ever made and that is actually a surprisingly bold statement as there are quite a few good films in the genre.
51. THE SHINING (1980)
Director: Stanley Kubrick
This is another one of those great horror movies that does not rely on jump scares to scare. Instead it does it by creating natural tension throughout the course of the film. Jack Nicholson also gives a standout performance that is truly unforgettable. There are so many memorable moments in this film that it has become a part of pop culture. Definitely one of the few horror films that I really like (not a big fan of the genre, sorry).
52. PREDATOR (1987)
Director: John McTiernan

Director: Sam Mendes
A strange, but fascinating film about a suburban fathers mid life crisis. There are some great performances and excellent cinematography that come together to make a beautiful film.

54. TAXI DRIVER (1976)
Director: Martin Scorsese
Another very cynical 70's film that makes me glad I wasn't alive at the time. Robert De Niro gives a fantastic performance as the Taxi Driver who is disillusioned with the world and wants to save a young prostitute. This film is growing on me and steadily rising up the list.
Director: David Zucker
I enjoy watching comedies but I consider it the junk food of the film industry, it is something that is good when I watch it but then I feel crappy about it and is not very memorable. For me this is one of the few exceptions to that statement. Leslie Nielsen is that one comedy actor that can consistently make me laugh and this is his best film.
56. AIRPLANE! (1980)
Directors: Jim Abrahams, David and Jerry Zucker
Very similar humor that is The Naked Gun, although that it is pretty obvious considering it is the same creative team behind that film. I not only love this film because of the type of humor but also because it is a fantastic parody on disaster movies (like the Airport movies) which happens to be a personal favorite genre. This is an all time classic comedy that everyone needs to see at least once.
57. SPARTACUS (1960)
Director: Stanley Kubrick
I never realized how much I loved Stanley Kubrick until I made this list. His films litter my top 100 and it is because he is such a phenomenal filmmaker.This is probably the best sword and sandal film ever made and it is held together by some fantastic actors (Kirk Douglas, Laurence Oliver to name a few) and a great story.
58. FOUR LIONS (2010)
Director: Christopher Morris
This is one of the most intelligent modern comedies I have seen as it is able to effectively parody terrorism. I would never have thought they could pull this concept off without being extremely offensive, but they really nail it. The cast is fantastic and the writing is spot on. This is also one of the few British comedies that I could really get into.
Directors: Michael Herz and Lloyd Kaufman
This is the epitome of a guilty pleasure movie. The story is ridiculous, the acting downright terrible and the effects are bad but it has a B-movie charm and an excellent sense of humor.
60. DR. STRANGELOVE (1964)
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Yet another Kubrick film on my list but this time he takes a crack at comedy. A comedy about Nuclear Armageddon mind you but a comedy none the less. Peter Sellers plays 3 different roles and is excellent in each and George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden are great as well. While I don't think the satire works quite as well as it probably did in 1964 it is still a phenomenal film that is a necessary watch for any serious film buff.
61. GALAXY QUEST (1999)
Director: Dean Parisot
The only film to completely grasp what being a Sci-fi nerd is (Star Trek fan in particular). It is such a fantastic parody of the Star Trek phenomenon at every level, from Tim Allen's spot on William Shatner like character, to the nerdy kid played by Justin Long who is a perfect impression of that kid from Trekkies who made his own CGI Star Trek movie (FYI Trekkies is a documentary about Star Trek fans that is a must watch as well). This is not only a great parody though, it is also a fantastic comedy that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Director: Edgar Wright
Shaun of the Dead seems to be the more popular film in the Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Edgar Wright franchise but I like this one better. It probably is because I enjoy the references to action films more and also because I am somewhat of a Zombie novice. This is a fantastic film though as it is the best action movie parody of all time. The combo of Pegg and Frost is excellent yet again, the writing is witty, the action impressive and Timothy Dalton is phenomenal in this.
63. GLORY (1989)
Director: Edward Zwick
I love historical epics and this might be my favorite. This is an emotional and thrilling epic that features some great performances. This also features arguably James Horner's best score which ranks as one of the greatest Original Soundtracks of all time.
Director: Steven Spielberg
One of the films that seems to get lost in the shuffle of great Spielberg films. Based off of a Philip K. Dick short story (A lot of great Sci-fi films are) this is a fantastically paced Sci-fi thriller that is hard to take your eyes off of.
65. DIRTY HARRY (1971)
Director: Don Siegel
Another one of the necessary manly movies that should be watched with your buddies on movie night. This film along with Death Wish convinced me that I am really lucky I did not grow up in the 70's.
Director: Steven Spielberg
I keep mentioning how much I love Paul Verhoeven but clearly I like Steven Spielberg a lot as well. He is probably the most influential filmmaker to my generation. This a fantastic WW2 film that gives a very realistic portrayal of the Normandy Invasion.

67. JURASSIC PARK (1993)
Director: Steven Spielberg
Yet another Spielberg film! This time he adapts one of my favorite Michael Crichton novels into a successful blockbuster. The premise would seem to lend itself to a trashy B-movie but Spielberg manages to turn it into a intelligent Sci-fi/Adventure.

Director: Rian Johnson
I am still trying to figure out where this film ranks in the top 100 so this may move around a bit. It is an intelligent, well filmed, well acted piece of modern Sci-fi that continues to grow on me. Not to mention it features a freaking awesome soundtrack!
69. TRAINING DAY (2001)
Director: Antoine Fuqua
One of the all time classic dirty cop movies. It is well made, well written and just an all around solid movie but Denzel Washington is what makes this movie great. His performance netted him his second Oscar and it really is a great performance.

70. SE7EN (1995)
Director: David Fincher
A dark and atmospheric crime film that completely engrosses me every time I watch it. This is another movie that is great to watch late at night with some friends.

Director: Terry Gilliam
Probably Gilliam's most coherent film that I have seen. The premise is fascinating, the visuals are interesting and there are some great performances by Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt. This is an excellent film that any Sci-fi fan must see.

72. THE DEPARTED (2006)
Director: Martin Scorsese
An excellent Crime film based off of the Japanese film Infernal Affairs. It features a star studded cast that gives great performances and a intriguing story line that keeps you interested all the way through. This film used to be higher on my list until I discovered some of the classic films in the genre.
Director: Phillip Noyce
Harrison Ford takes over the Jack Ryan role from Alec Baldwin and gives us two fantastic Action/Thrillers. I think Patriot Games is probably the better of the two films but both films rank among Ford's best. Who doesn't love Harrison Ford fighting Sean Bean who is playing an IRA terrorist? I also think Clear and Present Danger is a damn good critique on the failed and pointless war on drugs.

Director: Tim Burton
While I may have ranked The Dark Knight much higher than this film, in terms of entertainment this is my favorite Batman movie. Tim Burton's visual style is at its best here and Jack Nicholson gives a truly enjoyable performance as the joker. It may not hold up quite as well to modern audiences who are used to Nolan's more realistic take on the character but it is still a hell of a lot of fun.
Director: Scott Sanders
An excellent parody of 70's blaxploitation films. Probably one of my favorite premises for a movie of all time. It is another intentionally bad movie that will have you rolling on the ground in laughter.

Director: Coen Brothers
Initially I really did not care for this movie but with each viewing it gets better and better. I do think it is a bit overrated but after watching it a few times I do understand why people enjoy it so much. I personally love John Goodman in this film although Jeff Bridges is very good as well. Don't be surprised if your disappointed after the first viewing and try to give it another chance because it is a rewarding experience.
Director: Steven Spielberg
This is technically the 9th Spielberg film on the list! A fantastic Government coverup movie about a group of people who make make contact with aliens and then all are drawn to Devil's Tower where the government is trying to make first contact with the aliens. I really view this and E.T. as companion pieces and think that watching them together enhances the experience. It is another well made, well paced Spielberg film that features another good score from John Williams.
78. DR. NO (1962)
Director: Terence Young
While many think Goldfinger is the best Bond because it establishes many of the cliches that run the franchise, I think Dr. No is actually the best film in the franchise. This is an old school espionage film that is full of iconic moments.
79. RAMBO FRANCHISE (1982-2008)
Directors: Ted Kotcheff, George Cosmatos, Peter MacDonald, Sylvester Stallone
This is one of my all time favorite film franchises. I would argue that First Blood is one of the best action films of all time and is a great analysis of the struggles of post war Vietnam veterans. Now some of the sequels are pretty cheesy but they are all a heck of a lot of fun. They also feature some pretty good scores from Jerry Goldsmith (Rambo III actually has one of my favorite scores). This is another group of films to watch at a manly movie night with your buddies.
80. ROCKY FRANCHISE (1976-2006)
Directors: John G. Avildsen, Sylvester Stallone
The first Rocky film probably deserves a higher placement on the list but I wanted to include the sequels which drags the list down (thanks Rocky V). Each one of these films provides something that I like though, the first is just a genuinely good movie, Rocky II is your standard sequel but has a lot of unintentional humor, Rocky III we get the debut of Mr. T and Apollo and Rocky's very awkward beach hugging scene, Rocky IV is the ultimate 80's movie that features the decades best bands and Dolph Lundgren as the frightening Ivan Drago. Unfortunately Rocky V does not really contribute anything but the 6th film Rocky Balboa was a great conclusion to the series.
Directors: James Cameron, Jonathan Mostow, McG
While this film only features 2 films that are worth watching, the first 2 are so good that it allows the whole franchise to make the list. One of the best Sci-fi/Action film series of all time and features an iconic performance from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

82. DIE HARD (1988)
Director: John McTiernan
One of the most classic action films of all time by one of the great action directors. This is a career defining role for Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman gives an excellent villainous performance (as usual). It has great replay value as I probably watch it at least a few time a year. Some of the sequels are decent but none come close to this.
83. BOURNE TRILOGY (2002-2007)
Directors: Doug Liman, Paul Greengrass
A surprisingly influential action series as it has changed the cinematography of every subsequent action movie. Every film today seems to be trying to recreate the visual style of the Bourne movies to a fault. It works in these films though and Matt Damon is perfectly cast as the super agent who doesn't know who he is. The films get better and better throughout the series and feature some stunningly choreographed fights. This is the action franchise that has defined the 21st century.
84. BRAVEHEART (1995)
Director: Mel Gibson
As I have said before, I am a sucker for historical epics and from a cinematic standpoint it delivers. The history is very suspect but if your able to get past that you can have a good time. This is one of those iconic films that I feel everyone should watch at some point.

85. GLADIATOR (2000)
Director: Ridley Scott
One of the best modern Hollywood historical epics. This is a truly epic story as it follows Roman general Maximus who battles Germanic tribes, is betrayed and his family slaughtered and then becomes a Gladiator and eventually returns to Rome for revenge. It is a great story, visually impressive and well acted which all culminate in a fantastic film.

86. TOP GUN (1986)
Director: Tony Scott
This is another guilty pleasure film but what can i say, I love 80's movies. I also happen to be a big Tom Cruise fan so this was bound to be a movie I liked. If you like 80's movies, military drama's, and Kenny Loggins than this is the movie for you.
Director: Roland Emmerich
When I think of a Summer Blockbuster this is the movie that always comes to mind. It has everything you want, huge scale action and effects, a huge ensemble cast that works and a fantastic bombastic/patriotic soundtrack. While it is a great Summer Blockbuster it is also a pretty great Sci-fi film as well.
88. STARGATE (1994)
Director: Roland Emmerich
Another fun Sci-fi Blockbuster by Rolland Emmerich that works as a good double feature with Independence Day. It's not quite as polished as Independence Day but it is a very imaginative and ambitious Sci-fi film that looks great. It also inspired multiple television show spin-offs that are worth watching.

89. SUNSHINE (2007)
Director: Danny Boyle
Another one of these very good modern Sci-fi films. Danny Boyle creates a depressing but beautiful film about a mission to reignite the dying Sun. It is visually stunning, well acted and despite a chaotic third act a pretty darn good movie overall.
Director: John McTiernan
The first film in the Jack Ryan franchise based off of the Tom Clancy novels. Alec Baldwin gives a solid performance in the lead but Sean Connery steals the show. This is also one of the best Submarine films ever made, second only to Das Boot.

91. THUNDERBALL (1965)
Director: Terence Young
Another one of the classic Connery bond films. This one features some beautiful underwater cinematography, a great villain, gorgeous girls and one of my favorite Bond scores by John Barry.

92. GOLDFINGER (1964)
Director: Guy Hamilton
The Bond film that essentially set up the formula for the rest of the franchise. It has everything you could ask for, a great villain, beautiful locations, great bond girls etc. This might be the best place to start if you are wanting to get into James Bond films.
Director: Ridley Scott

Director: Stanley Kubrick
A classic Kubrick film that follows Marines through different aspects of the Vietnam War. It has become famous for its bootcamp scenes featuring the awesome R. Lee Ermey. It is one of those essential movies that everyone should see at some point.
Director: Michael Curtiz
Another all time classic that features an excellent story, performances and style. Essential viewing for any film buff.

Directors: The Coen Brothers
The only other Coen Brothers film that has blown me away. This is a fantastic modern gangster film that is anchored by several great performances by John Tuturro, Gabriel Byrne and Albert Finney. It may not be action packed (although there are a few awesome scenes) but it has a certain style and mood that makes it a pleasure to watch.
Director: John Milius
One of the best Fantasy/Adventure films! Arnold is perfectly cast as Conan who is searching for the evil sorcerer (James Earl Jones) who killed his parents and his tribe. It is an 80's Fantasy film so there is a certain level of weirdness that comes with it but this is a very enjoyable film that should entertain just about anyone.
98. COLLATERAL (2004)
Director: Michael Mann
A sleek looking Thriller that is anchored by great performances by Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. It has a fascinating premise about a Hitman (Tom Cruise) who makes Taxi Cab drivers drive him around to do his hits and Jamie Fox who is the driver just trying to stay alive. This has the look and feel of modern noir and won't disappoint if that is the kind of film you like. Obviously it fits into the style of films I like and thus makes the top 100.
Director: Quentin Tarantino
I don't love this film like many Tarantino fans do but I understand why it is considered a great film.
100. HOTEL RWANDA (2004)
Director: Terry George
A moving Historical Drama about the Rwandan Genocide in the 90's. Don Cheadle gives one of the best performances of his career along with a great cast. Despite the depressing premise in the end it is a rather uplifting film about the courage of certain individuals to help others.

101. GHOSTBUSTERS (1984)
Director: Ivan Reitman
A classic 80's Sci-fi/Comedy featuring some of the best comedic actors of the decade.

Director: Peter Weir
Another Historical Epic, this one is about the Naval aspect of the Napoleonic Wars. Russell Crowe is the Captain of the HMS Surprise who is trying to take down a French vessel. This is a gritty, realistic but extremely fun piece of ocean adventure. The Pirates of the Caribean Franchise is what prevented this from taking of as a series and for that I will always hate those films because Master and Commander is a fantastic film that would have made a great series.

103. POINT BREAK (1991)
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
One of the essential action movies and one of the best heist movies as well. The action scenes are enjoyable, the performances are solid lead by Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze and overall this is just a heck of a lot of fun. Invite your buddies over and watch this movie now!

Director: Stephen Herek
A classic 80's comedy about two bonehead kids who are bound for greatness but first need to pass their history class. George Carlin comes from the future and helps them travel back in time and collect various historical figures for their final presentation. It is probably one of the most fun and hilarious comedies of the 80's.

Director: Brad Bird
I am not crazy about animated films but this is one that I love. A very retro super hero film with some excellent animation and performances.

106. Rolling Thunder (1977)
Director: John Flynn
This is one of the all time great exploitation revenge films starring William Devane. It tells the story of a Major in the US Airforce who had been shot down in Nam and been a POW for a long time and is returning home. He returns to a very different world and after his wife and son are murdered and himself badly injured he seeks revenge. This is an excellent analysis of men who return home from war while also managing to be a very entertaining story. This is a film that is likely to move up this list over time as I have only watched it once but plan to watch it many more times.
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