I've been meaning to do this for a while but haven't had the chance to sit down and do it. Below, I've compiled a list of my favorite films in a very loose order. Of course, this always changes as I watch new films and come to like films on this list more than others, but as of now, this is a rough outline of what my favorite movies are. This is by no means an exact ranking. Keep in mind, to balance this out, my next big post on this page will be a list of my least favorite movies. Enjoy.
Pulp Fiction
If you know anything about me, you know this what I generally refer to as my favorite film. There's not a whole lot I can say about this film that hasn't already been said. It's classic Tarantino. It is well-written, colorfully violent, and quotable. I love this movie more with each viewing, and I was even lucky enough to see this in theaters once. This is a timeless film that will always be considered one of my favorites and will certainly stay in my top 3. One might say this film is even better than a foot massage.
A Clockwork Orange
Welly, welly, welly, welly. A Clockwork Orange is a film that will most likely have a permanent spot in my top 3 films. This is a bizarre film and is goes to extremes in style and writing. Upon viewing this for the first time, I hated it. However, after days of letting it process, it became my favorite film and I continue to think about its meaning. Darkly comic and tragic, A Clockwork Orange is Stanley Kubrick's masterful adaptation of the book by Anthony Burgess and is an unforgettable work of art. Great bolshy yarblockos, I love this film!!!
Django Unchained

The D is silent, hillbilly. When I found out Tarantino was making a western, I was disappointed and was hoping for more crime films from him. However, I was blown away by this brutal revenge film. I loved this because it has DiCaprio (one of my favorite actors) as well as Christoph Waltz, who proved himself as a strong antagonist in Inglourious Basterds and now a strong protagonist in this. It took me three viewings to decide that this was Tarantino's second best film. This has the most memorable soundtrack of all QT's films and has some bloody awesome gunfight scenes (pun intended). This is certainly my favorite revenge film.
The Indiana Jones Trilogy
Note that it says "trilogy". As Chris mentioned, real fans of the series don't even acknowledge the existence of the fourth film.
I grew up watching these films and have come to love them as my favorite adventure films. I'd have to rank Raiders as my favorite Indiana Jones film, but they are all pretty equal on my list. This is Harrison Ford in his prime, and these films feature unforgettable scores, memorable characters, and exciting action sequences.
The Lion King
Of all the films on my list, The Lion King is the only one that I want to watch immediately after I finish it. It's one of the only animated musicals that I can tolerate, let alone love. This was the first movie I remember watching as a child and my love for this film has not burned out over the years. The Lion King is a simple yet universal story that breaks cultural barriers and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Not to mention this is one of the best-looking and sounding Blu-rays that I own!
This is one of those films that 10% of people have seen, so I get really excited to "own" this movie and introduce people to it. This is my favorite type of Sci-fi film. It features a dark, futuristic landscape that is just skewed from the world we live in today. Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives a strong performance as a young Bruce Willis, and the mind-bending story keeps you thinking until the end. The film doesn't get tangled up in its own logic, which is also a plus. While the ending may be predictable, it is a great film that stands as one of my favorite in the sci-fi genre.
I always thought Ryan Gosling was just eye candy for girls, but he proved himself as a cold-hearted getaway driver in this visually striking film. I absolutely loved the soundtrack to this film, and it actually opened me up to a genre of music that I hadn't even been exposed to before. This is one of those movies that I just needed to see, and when I finally came across it, I fell in love with it instantly. The best part of this film is how 90% of it is subtext. This is writing and directing in its prime, which is what filmmaking is all about.
Hobo with a Shotgun
This is another film
that not a whole lot of people have seen. Independently filmed in
Canada, Hobo with a Shotgun is a gory, over-the-top good time if you
aren't squeamish. The best part of this film is Ivan and Slick, two
henchmen set out to kill the Hobo. They are hilarious in everything that
they say and do. Some people think I am twisted for liking this film,
as it features burning a bus full of school children and a blowing away
criminals with a pump-action shotgun. However, vibrant color correction,
comic-book-type characters, and hilarious one-liners make this a dark
but thrilling exploitation film.
Inglourious Basterds
I hate jumping on the Tarantino bandwagon but he makes some damn great films. This ranks as my third favorite Tarantino film. It is a classic revenge fantasy that is more cathartic than anything, as a vividly violent finale keeps you cheering til the end. As all Tarantino films go, it is darkly comic and brutally violent, but you can't help but love every minute of it.
I never thought a movie about cancer could ever be funny, but this one pulls it off. 50/50 walks a fine line between drama and comedy, and does so perfectly. There are scenes in this film that have me rolling on the ground in laughter, while other scenes had me tear up. Yes, this is one of the few films that made me cry. The scene when Adam goes into surgery really hit home for me as I went through a similar experience, so I definitely have a personal connection to this film. This is well worth a watch and it's unbelievably underrated.
The Departed
This movie has just recently been "promoted" to my favorite films. It took three viewings of this film for me to consider it a favorite, but the payoff was well worth it. This is definitely one of the best crime movies out there. Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jack Nicholson give career-defining performances. After watching it with some friends, I have come to love it even more after realizing how many hilarious lines are in this film. Not to mention the ending is clever and goes to show that Martin Scorsese is a very capable storyteller.
I'm not a huge fan of Tom Cruise in any sense, but he is phenomenal in Collateral. I was also introduced to how good Jamie Foxx is, as well. Collateral is filmed in the digital cinema style, which isn't really my preference, but it definitely makes the film unique. This is an exciting and tense thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film. Sorry about the cliche saying there, but I don't know what else to say about this movie.
Sin City
Visually striking and over-the-top, Sin City works best because it feels like you are watching a comic book. It serves as an exploitation film as well as a neo-noir film. The dark humor is bizarre and hilarious and characters seem to survive anything, but it makes it fun and cartoon-like.
I do wish it was a little bit funnier, but overall this is a great film that dark visually and thematically.
The Shawshank Redemption
A near-flawless film about friendship. I have a guilty pleasure for prison films and this is definitely the best one. Great performances all around and some funny and memorable lines make this a fantastic film. There is a lot to learn from the way the characters act and treat each other in this film and is just all-around inspiring.
Star Wars
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....I watched these movies on VHS. I am lumping the original three films into this as I cannot single out one that I like more than the others. Much like Indiana Jones, this series is tainted because of the prequels. What can I say about Star Wars that hasn't been said? If you were a boy and you had a childhood, you watched and loved these movies. This is as mainstream as sci-fi gets, but it is a good entry into the genre as it shows some of the best it has to offer. Watch them, you must.

Walk the Line
Johnny Cash is one of my favorite musical artists so of course I love this movie. You don't even have to be a fan of his music to appreciate the drama and the life story of Johnny Cash. At the very least, you will learn something about the life of a musical legend and have a good time doing so.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
I have only seen this movie once (although I plan on watching it
again in the next week) but I freakin' love this film and I expect it to
shoot up in ranking on this list. Ennio Morricone crafts an
unforgettable soundtrack that compliments the dark story of three
outlaws racing to get gold during the Civil War. Exciting all the way to
the end of this 3 hour masterpiece. After watching Django Unchained, I
went on a Western kick starting with this movie and I've discovered that
it is possibly my favorite genre.
The Shining
The Shining is by far my favorite horror film. Halloween (John Carpenter) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) are up there, although I don't consider them among my favorite movies. The Shining builds tension and releases it rather than relying on cheap jump scares, which is the cheapest form of thrills in modern cinema, in my opinion. I love the atmosphere Kubrick creates, as well as the numerous tracking shots in this film. Jack Nicholson gives the best performance of his career (or at least matches One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and is part of one of the most frightening sequences in all of cinema.
The Grey
Yet another film that makes Liam Neeson a badass. This is probably my favorite survival film (127 Hours is a close second). This film does a fantastic job of making you feel like you are stranded along with the cast in the dead of winter. As they slowly get killed off, you feel more and more isolated and alone. The only enemies in the film are the wolves and the cold, which also makes this film unique. The only thing I don't like about this film is the sound mix. Dialogue scenes are quiet while tense scenes are too loud. It's more of a technical problem than anything, but still an issue, nonetheless.
Black Dynamite
I found this gem on Blu-ray.com. It was in the deals section and I had never heard of it, I just thought the cover art was cool. It had good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes so I decided to give it a shot. This is a hysterical homage to 70s blaxploitation-type films and definitely has a unique vibe to it. It also has the most hilarious plot of any film I've ever seen. This is a low-budget, fun film that is a great late-night watch with your buddies.
Mulholland Dr.

I've watched this movie twice and I still don't fully understand it. Apparently, you have to watch meticulously to connect everything and there are "Easter Eggs" within the film. There are blogs that over-analyze this film and people still don't get it. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I love this film purely because every scene is so damn captivating. Additionally, this film has a very unique visual style that makes it very surreal, and it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a movie before. The acting is cheesy and it is a bit jumbled but I really like this film and I hope it gets a Blu-Ray release soon!
American History X
A great movie about the effects of violence and racism.
There are strong performances across the board, especially from Edward Norton. I can't really talk too much about this film. It's one of those movies you just have to see to understand why it is in my list of favorite movies.
I like
this film for a number of reasons, but the biggest one is nostalgia. This was a movie I loved as a kid so watching it brings me back to my childhood days. This film is beautifully animated and it makes you appreciate how well it is made considering how old the film is. I love the themes in the film, as well. It's a good film to show your children because it teaches them about the qualities that are important to being a man.
I'm not a huge Bond fan but this is my favorite of the series (Skyfall is a close second). Most of the film is filled with practical effects, yet it is modern enough to where it's not too cheesy. There is nothing notably spectacular about this film (however it is certainly the best Pierce Brosnan Bond film), but I like it because of the locations and the numerous action sequences, including driving a tank through the streets of Moscow. This is your run of the mill Bond film, but I feel it is done better than most.
District 9
Initially, I hated this movie, but after a second (and third) pass, I came to appreciate it more. I like the world that is created here. Aliens live with the rest of civilization, and in an awkward fashion, humans ask them to leave. Then things go south. I'm not a fan of the "mockumentary" film
style but it seems to work in this case (for the most part). The film has a few issues but overall is a strong entry to the sci-fi genre.
Take the Money and Run
Yet another film that kills me inside because it's not on Blu-Ray. This movie is so clever and funny. It's a perfect example of classic, clean comedy about the life of an inept bank robber. One of my favorite scenes is when Virgil slides a note demanding money and the bank tellers can't decipher what it says. Highly recommended.
That concludes my list of favorite films. As I said before, this list is always changing and is always being updated, and this is by no means an accurate ranking. I love all of these movies....some more than others, but they all have a special place on my shelf. They have changed how I watch movies and also help me spot the bad ones. Thanks for reading, and keep a look out for my next post on the worst movies I've ever seen.
-Kevin Millward-