are so bad, they are painful to watch. Do not watch these movies!

10. Max Payne
This is at the bottom of the list because I've tried watching it at least three times, and I have come to dislike it more each time. I am a fan of the video game, but the movie is terrible. I've tried to like it, but it's just not happening, folks. It is way different than the game. It is bizarre and muddled, and makes almost zero sense. Ludacris stars in this movie, if that tells you anything. This is a MAX PAYNE to sit through.
9. The Spirit
I watched this recently and I went into it knowing it was going to be bad. The writing, action, and storyline is terrible and just comes across as laziness from the creative team. For instance, there is a scene where Samuel L. Jackson breaks a toilet over a guy's head and laughs hysterically, then says "Toilets are always funny!" Yes, it's a bit campy but it's not enough to make it worth sitting through. Avoid at all costs.
8. The Strangers

7. Hard Candy
Hard Candy scored well with critics but there is a major flaw with it. Ellen Page (can't stand her) tortures a "pedophile" until (spoiler alert) she convinces him to kill himself. The writers did not put enough effort into making the victim seem like a bad guy. I was honestly hoping he made it out alive. I could tell they were trying to make him seem like a perverted sicko that needed to die, but it just wasn't working. Disturbing, to say the least.
6. Natural Born Killers
I'm not a fan of Oliver Stone as a filmmaker or a person, but I've seen some of his films and this is certainly his worst. A weird spinoff of Bonnie and Clyde, this film is over the top and luridly violent in a way that is just off-putting. I can't stand Woody Harrelson, which makes this film even more of a painful ordeal. There are also some weird lighting issues in the third act of the film that hurt your eyes. Stay away from this garbage.
5. Snow White and the Huntsman
Of course, a girl dragged me to the theater to see this one. Snow White and the Huntsman, starring the talentless Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth, is more of an endurance test than a film. How long can you sit in your chair and bear this awful crap? This film is unexciting, terribly acted, and slow-paced. The worst part is there are rumors going around that there will be a sequel. For the love of God, no.
4. Project X
The only thing this movie has going for it is the boobs. Project X is shot using the mockumentary film style which as most of you know, I hate. The worst part is, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose to the story. It's as if the director was like "Okay, we're filming this with a webcam because it'll look like it actually happened." The actors have a lot of fun with the film, but as a viewer, you will not.
3. Clerks
As a filmmaker, it is important to make aesthetic decisions with your work based on the effect or mood you want to invoke on the viewers. I was wondering why the filmmakers decided to make this entire film in black and white and came up with nothing. I even Googled it and looked through several websites and found nothing. Pointless. Additionally, the dialogue is sloppy and the acting is poor. This is considered a cult film but I am clearly not part of that cult.

2. The Last House on the Left
This movie is just flat out disturbing. I felt uncomfortable throughout the entire film. It's a twisted revenge film that has the parents of two murdered teens taking revenge on their captors. I don't have a whole lot to say about this film other than it really turned my stomach and wasn't enjoyable to watch, enough to the point where it is the second worst film I've ever seen.
1. Taken 2
Taken 2 is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. You are probably wondering why. Yes, it's a generic, typical modern action film and it's not good, but how is it the worst? Look at the first Taken. It wasn't good but it wasn't bad, either. This film is a prime example of Hollywood bending over backwards to make money from a cheap ass sequel. The story is crap. The action sequences are crap. The acting is crap. I could have made a better film. So, not only do I hate this film but I also hate the reason why it was made. I can talk about this movie all day but I'm getting worked up just typing this. Save your time and skip this piece of trash.
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