Saturday, August 3, 2013

Chris Reviews 2 Guns

I was not expecting much of this movie going in. The trailers made it look like just another generic summer action film, but it did have an interesting cast. I mainly went to go see it though, because I decided I need to force myself to see more movies this year even if they are mostly crap. So did this film exceed my expectations or become yet another bland summer action film? Obviously you should continue reading to find out.


The chemistry and performances are the selling point of the movie. I like both of these actors and they work well together and provide some good humor. I also enjoyed seeing Edward James Olmos as a Mexican Drug Cartel leader. The action sequences are solid although nothing spectacular.


This was yet another terribly written action film. While there was a mildly intriguing premise it was so mishandled that it made it borderline unwatchable. It attempted to be an overly complex crime film about a DEA Agent and a Naval Intelligence Agent who accidentally rob a CIA slush fund bank and the CIA wants their money back. I was not sure if this was supposed to be a criticism of government corruption or if it was just supposed to be a ridiculous over the top action film. That was one of the main problems is that it struggled balancing comedy and seriousness which is a key element of a good buddy cop film. None of the action scenes had much weight because it seemed like it was all just a big joke. There were also numerous plot holes and random things that would happen that were never addressed. Outside of the lead actors there really was not much to like from the performances either (Paula Patton was pretty terrible). Essentially this movie contains almost every problem that a bad summer action film features.


This is just another poorly written summer action film that you watch and forget 10 minutes after you walk out of the theater. Sure the lead actors give solid performances and provide enough charisma to make the film watchable but that's about it.


2.5 out of 5

-Chris "Da Franchize" Hart

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