Friday, September 28, 2012

Looper: A Groundbreaking Time Travel Film

I went in with high expectations for this film. Ever since I saw the trailer, I have been super excited for Looper. I have never been so excited to see a film, and Looper grabbed my attention for a lot of reasons. I was thrilled when I saw it was getting good reviews, and after I watched it, my mind was blown.

I will start off with what I liked most about this film. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's performance as the younger Bruce Willis is nothing short of spectacular. In fact, his performance really sold the film and made it believable. Yeah, the makeup really helped, too, but JGL's sharp talent for transforming into another role (rather than mimicking it) completely changed the tone of the film. Looper easily could have been JGL chasing down Bruce Willis, but that was not the case. This was a young Bruce Willis chasing down an older Bruce Willis. Rather than the traditional man vs. man theme, this film effectively and creatively utilized the man vs. self theme, which I enjoyed.

I also liked the visuals of this film. The futuristic world in this film is very feasible. I look at this world and think that it could actually exist someday. Rian Johnson clearly put a lot of thought into the setting. From a technical standpoint, the cinematography and editing was beautiful. This film distinguishes itself with its unique text, narration, and, most of all, fantastic camerawork. I wish I could describe the visual style of this film, but it is so unique and unlike anything I have ever seen before.

As far as the acting goes, I really have no complaints. As I said before, JGL was brilliant. I'd say this is Bruce Willis' best film in years. I was skeptical about Emily Blunt's character, but I came to like her and was sold on the idea of her being a country girl. Even her kid was great. Usually, I hate little kids in movies. They are almost always obnoxious and are usually used for low-grade humor. This wasn't the case in Looper. I can't say much without giving away key plot points, but the boy's performance and role in the film is amazing.

I really have no complaints about this film, other than how slow it can be. The trailer makes you think this will be a fast-paced action film, but much of the action in the trailer plays out as quick montages in the film, which was a little disappointing. I think I would have liked just a little more action, and with this film being just under two hours, it could have spared a few more minutes of that.

Looper is a groundbreaking film on so many levels. It is well-written and thought-out, visually striking, and expertly acted. This film lived up to my high expectations, which is a rarity. Looper will definitely be added to my Blu-Ray collection. Highly recommended for Sci-Fi and Action fanatics, and anyone who wants to experience a mind-bending thriller.


5 out of 5

-Kevin A. Millward

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