Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Expendables 2: Your Money is Spendable

The Expendables 2 is a solidly entertaining action film that improves on the previous film.  The previous film was too serious and just overall a weak film, but the second Expendables was very entertaining and had a lot of laughs and action to satisfy the audience.

The thing I really liked about this film was the cast.  You gotta love the star-studded cast of The Expendables 2, especially if you are an action fan like myself.  There are some great fight scenes and like The Avengers, this film does a good job of balancing screen time so you get to see everyone in action.  The fast pace of the film kept it from being a drag, and it was a very fast watch.  One liners and bad acting also make this film hilarious, and I was bursting out laughing at some of the scenes with poorly written dialogue.  I also liked how this film payed homage to older action films, such as The Terminator and Die Hard, by referencing classic lines from those films.  All these elements together made this a very entertaining action film.  As long as you come into the film expecting to have some fun and not take it seriously, you will have a good time with it.  

While this was one of the more fun films I've seen this summer, there were a lot of flaws with it.  We didn't get to see a whole lot of Jean-Claude Van Damme, which is disappointing because he could've made a great, rather than good villain.  Stallone overshadowed a lot of the cast.  Also, the acting in this film is pretty bad.  That made it more fun for me, but it might not be as enjoyable for everyone else.  This film was also very cliche, although that was probably intended.  Finally, my biggest complaint is the addition of a female to the Expendables team.  That's all I will say about that.

The Expendables 2 is a solid action film with plenty of laughs and fun.  If you can get past the cliched story, bad acting, and overused CGI blood, this is a good action film with good intentions.  I recommend this film to anyone that enjoys action films, particularly 80s and 90s action films.


4 out of 5 

-Kevin A. Millward 

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